How can deep curiosity drive sales acceleration?

Mahlab created an account-based marketing (ABM) strategy to align internal teams, accelerate Adyen's sales cycle and drive measurable ROI.
How can deep curiosity drive sales acceleration?


Adyen, a leading fin-tech company, was looking to grow its presence in the fashion retail sector. Its brand awareness was strong, but it needed help with two key areas:

  1. Identifying and understanding key decision makers within target accounts.
  2. Moving prospects down the funnel and accelerating the long enterprise sales cycle.

Our approach

Adyen partnered with Mahlab to implement a pilot ABM strategy. As always, Mahlab's approach began with deep curiosity to understand the industry, businesses, and personas and what drove their decision-making process.

As a first step, Mahlab facilitated a deep-dive discovery session aimed at aligning Adyen’s sales and marketing teams on key goals: generating new pipeline and reducing the sales cycle by securing meetings with key decision makers faster.

Next steps:

Target account identification:

  • Focused on the Australian fashion retail sector
  • Developed a target list of 24 accounts with little engagement or stalled conversations
  • Sub-grouped target accounts to tailor messages based on organisational structures

Buyer journey mapping:

  • Detailed understanding of high-value account profiles, including goals, challenges, preferences, and motivations
  • Mapped the buyer journey to identify touchpoints, decision moments and influences

Messaging and content development:

  • Created nuanced messaging frameworks for account
sub-groups and personas
  • Developed an overarching campaign concept to shift perceptions of payments from a cost centre to a growth engine
  • Ensured consistent messaging and alignment between marketing and sales teams

Channel and asset strategy:

  • Devised a channel strategy for direct mail, events and digital channels
  • Created assets such as a fashion retail report, LinkedIn Thought Leader Ads and printed a direct mail magazine styled like a fashion publication titled Ambition

Campaign execution:

  • Planned and scheduled ongoing content across LinkedIn, Google Display Network ads, eDM blasts and direct outreach from Adyen leadership and sales
  • Targeted personalised content during peak shopping seasons to address specific business needs
"This was the first time I felt that marketing and sales were able to align in a very strategic way."

Aarti Suri, Head of Marketing, APAC, Adyen.


The ABM campaign achieved significant success, engaging 83% of the target accounts. Adyen sales teams are progressing commercial conversations with more than half of these engaged accounts.

Exceeded ROI expectations
Re-engaged accounts that had been unresponsive for over two years
Set new benchmarks in LinkedIn campaign performance for Adyen


of target accounts engaged.


of engaged accounts in commercial conversations.


accounts in product testing
(as of 15 Aug 2024).

No. 1

performing social assets for Adyen A/NZ.


